Strawberry Hill House Ticket Portal

Garden Guided Tours - On the First Saturday of the month.

Garden Tours

The five-acre garden at Strawberry Hill House has been, as far as possible, restored to its original appearance using Eighteenth Century maps and paintings as well as Walpole’s own writing. Enjoy a guided tour of Horace Walpole's garden created to compliment his Gothic castle.

Tours departs at 11:15am. Booking is essential. If you are a group of 15 persons or more you may be interested in booking a private guided tour for preferential rates. Please e-mail

Ticket options

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  • Garden Guided Tours - standard
    Garden Guided Tours - standard
    £8.00 (including donation)
    0 20 max
  • Garden Guided Tours - members and patrons
    Garden Guided Tours - members and patrons
    £5.50 (including donation)
    0 20 max
Garden Guided Tours - On the First Saturday of the month.

Garden Tours

The five-acre garden at Strawberry Hill House has been, as far as possible, restored to its original appearance using Eighteenth Century maps and paintings as well as Walpole’s own writing. Enjoy a guided tour of Horace Walpole's garden created to compliment his Gothic castle.

Tours departs at 11:15am. Booking is essential. If you are a group of 15 persons or more you may be interested in booking a private guided tour for preferential rates. Please e-mail

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